
10 January 2020 (23h 59m at UTC) - Convened Session Proposal deadline

10 February 2020 (23h 59m at UTC) - Notification of acceptance for Convened Session Proposal

18 May 2020 - Submission deadline

18 May 2020 - Student paper competition deadline

3 August 2020 - Paper update deadline

13 September 2020 - Presenting Author registration deadline

13 September 2020 - Deadline for creating a website account (for attendee without presentations)

28 September - October 1, 2020 - Metamaterials Congress 2020 (Conference)

2-3 October 2020 - Metamaterials Congress 2020 (Doctoral School)

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Neaspec designs, manufactures and distributes advanced nanoscale optical imaging & spectroscopy microscopes, and was founded to revolutionize nanoscale analytics, with the ultimate goal to enable technological & scientific progress in every lab around the world. neaspec’s neaSNOM microscope combines the best of two worlds: the nanoscale resolution of atomic force microscopy with the analytical power of FTIR infrared imaging & spectroscopy. The neaSNOM allows studying chemical, structural, and electronic properties of a sample at a spatial resolution up to 1000-times higher compared to conventional technology like micro FT-IR. The non-destructive measurement method is equally suited for organic and inorganic samples and requires only standard AFM sample preparation.

Journal of Materials Chemistry C is a high quality journal publishing materials research with applications in optical, magnetic and electronic devices.

Materials Horizons is a leading journal for the publication of exceptionally high quality, innovative materials science, with an emphasis on original research that demonstrates a new concept or a new way of thinking.

Consisting of Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale, and Nanoscale Advances, the nanoscale journal family allows full coverage of interdisciplinary advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Materials Advances is an international, gold open access journal, publishing good quality research across the breadth of materials science.