Registration Fees


The presenting author of each invited paper, extended oral paper, accepted oral paper, and accepted poster must register not later than September 13, 2020, and pay the conference registration fee. Otherwise, the paper may be removed by the final program.
No fees are charged for attendees without a talk but an account on the conference website (not later than September, 13) is required for accessing the online sessions.

To register for the Congress and pay the registration fee online the payment page is accessible via "Participant profile" menu on the right side of the page or through the following link. You can pay by credit card, bank wire-transfer.

Important note: before starting the registration procedure, please take note of the PaperID of the talks (up to two) you will present.
The PaperID of your submission(s), which has the format MCPCAxxxxx (being x a number), can be found in the "Submission" page under the partecipant profile menu or by clicking here after the log-in.


Metamorphose VI expands its borders and invites individuals across the world to join the Association. Individual membership entitles the congress participants for the reduced registration fees for the VI members, as shown in the table below. To join the Association together with your Congress registration, you can select the “VI members” option on the payment page.

VI Individual Membership 2020 Annual Fee (in EUR)
Member 90
Senior (over 65) 60
Student 50
Institution* 800

Unlimited number of persons from your institution or laboratory gets reduced conference fees.

The Virtual Institute for Artificial Electromagnetic Materials and Metamaterials ”Metamorphose VI AISBL” has established itself as a collaboration and interaction platform for academics, researchers and students working in the field of metamaterials. Founded in 2007 by the members of European Network of Excellence “Metamorphose”, the Metamorphose VI has grown into the recognised international Association for the purposes of research, application and promotion of artificial electromagnetic materials and metamaterials. Further information about the activities of the VI Association and member benefits can be found at the Metamorphose VI web site.



Important note for METAMORPHOSE VI Members: you are entitled for the discounted registration rate if your institution has opted to pay the institutional annual fee. If this is not the case, you can still get the discounted rates by paying your personal membership fee.


Conference registration fee
(in EUR)

VI members

non-VI members

Presenter* 100 150
Attendee** 0 0

* A maximum of two talks per registration are allowed.
** An account on the conference website is still required (created no later than September, 13).

School registration fees
(in EUR)

VI members

non-VI members

Attendee 100 150


To get a PRESS-PASS, please, write an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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