Student paper competition


sponsored by:


Student: Emanuele Galiffi

Title: "Dynamical Metasurfaces: Luminal Amplification and Temporal Wood Anomalies"



Student: Mohammad Moein Moeini

Title: "Discrete-Space Metamaterials for Optical Signal Processing​"



Student: Zeki Hayran

Title: "Temporally Modulated Non-Hermitian Optical Systems Based on Epsilon-Near-Zero Media"



Selected finalists:

  • Emanuele Galiffi - Dynamical Metasurfaces: Luminal Amplification and Temporal Wood Anomalies
  • Leo Vincelj - Experimental Demonstration of Non-Foster Self-oscillating Huygens Radiator
  • Mohammad Moein Moeini - Discrete-Space Metamaterials for Optical Signal Processing
  • Robert Duggan - Unidirectional Topological Edge Modes in Optically-Driven Dielectric Lattices
  • Zeki Hayran - Temporally Modulated Non-Hermitian Optical Systems Based on Epsilon-Near-Zero

All student participants are invited to enter the STUDENT PAPER COMPETITION. In the following, we define a student as a person that aims to present a paper at the Congress, which has been done in the context of some work that leads to an academic degree. This comprises Bachelor, Master, or PhD students. In addition, work done in the context of an academic course is eligible. The paper, an application form, and all supporting documentation for the student paper competition must be submitted through the Congress website prior to the paper submission deadline.


Submission and Evaluation Procedure

The student needs to be registered at this website to submit its paper and fill out the form for entering the student paper competition. This form will become accessible via the "Student paper competition" item, in the "Participant profile", in the right column of the webpage after login on the Congress website.

During the submission process, the student will be asked to upload:

  1. A CV of personal scientific activity.
  2. An exact title of the paper submitted for review.
  3. An endorsement letter signed by the student's main supervisor/advisor stating that the paper is the result of the student's work. If the student has multiple supervisors/advisors from different institutions/departments, this fact must be explicitly stated in the endorsement letter.

The student must be the first author of the submitted paper, and the co-authors may be the student’s supervisors/advisors. In particular, additional co-authors, besides the student and his/her main supervisor/advisor, are allowed only if the student has additional co-advisors from different institutions, departments or research groups. If this applies, this fact must be explicitly stated in the endorsement letter.
No additional student can be a co-author of the paper. Papers with more than one non-student author belonging to the same research group are not eligible for the student paper competition.

The student competition papers will undergo a regular review. Additionally, the student competition applications will be evaluated by the Award Committee and may get shortlisted as finalists. Up to five finalists are selected in total. Whether the students are selected as finalists will be communicated to the students in due time. The registration fee of all shortlisted finalists will be waived. Only one paper per student will be considered. In case of multiple entries with different papers, the student will be excluded from the competition.

The shortlisted finalists of the student paper competition will present their papers at the regular technical sessions in accordance with the conference program. In addition, they will be required to present their papers again at a dedicated interactive poster session during the Congress. The members of the Award Committee will interact with the students during the poster presentation and will elect the winner.

Awarding Ceremony

The winner of the best student paper will be announced at the Congress closing ceremony.

Supported by


Neaspec designs, manufactures and distributes advanced nanoscale optical imaging & spectroscopy microscopes, and was founded to revolutionize nanoscale analytics, with the ultimate goal to enable technological & scientific progress in every lab around the world. neaspec’s neaSNOM microscope combines the best of two worlds: the nanoscale resolution of atomic force microscopy with the analytical power of FTIR infrared imaging & spectroscopy. The neaSNOM allows studying chemical, structural, and electronic properties of a sample at a spatial resolution up to 1000-times higher compared to conventional technology like micro FT-IR. The non-destructive measurement method is equally suited for organic and inorganic samples and requires only standard AFM sample preparation.

Journal of Materials Chemistry C is a high quality journal publishing materials research with applications in optical, magnetic and electronic devices.

Materials Horizons is a leading journal for the publication of exceptionally high quality, innovative materials science, with an emphasis on original research that demonstrates a new concept or a new way of thinking.

Consisting of Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale, and Nanoscale Advances, the nanoscale journal family allows full coverage of interdisciplinary advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Materials Advances is an international, gold open access journal, publishing good quality research across the breadth of materials science.