Paper submission


Paper submission (or registration for congress attendance without presentation) requires a user account at this website. If you already have an account, please login now (the "Login Form" at the right column). After that, you will see "Partecipant profile" where you should choose "Submission" link to upload your paper.

To create a new account please follow the link "Create an account" (please note that accounts from previous congresses are not valid any more). It gives you possibility to check your submission status and get other information as frequently as you would need.

You will be able to:

  • change your contact information;
  • check your papers submission status;
  • manage and update your submitted papers during the submission period;
  • submit and monitor your student/researcher grant application;
  • fill in and monitor your visa request if needed;
  • pay your registration fee on-line;
  • submit your copy-right form for your paper.

Those who would like to attend the Congress without presenting a paper also will need a user account to make registration and to get access to the online payment system.


IEEE Xplore option

Accepted papers presented at the conference can be published in the IEEE Xplore subject to compliance of the manuscript with the IEEE format and copyright requirements. If you want to exploit this opportunity, please, select the corresponding option during the online submission.



Papers should be up to 3-page long (including figures and references). Minimum 2 pages are required for publication in IEEE Xplore. Each paper should contain an abstract, a brief conclusion and a main body where the technical content and the novelty of the work are clearly presented. Please note that the maximum allowed file size is 4 MB.

The use of the following templates is mandatory:

Paper prepared in any environment should be converted to a single PDF not exceeding 4MB and the use of IEEE PDF eXpress is strongly recommended (a link to this online conversion resource will be provided at the submission stage). Should you opt to use other PDF conversion tools, make sure that all the fonts are embedded in your PDF file. Authors are also encouraged to adhere to other IEEE PDF requirements, a summary of which can be found here, or use the IEEE PDF job options currently available for Acrobat versions 5 to 9.

Authors wishing to exploit the IEEE Xplore publication opportunity must prepare the PDF file using IEEE PDF eXpress (a link to this online resource will be provided at the submission stage). Failure to do so may result in your paper being withheld from publishing in IEEE Xplore Proceedings.

Short abstracts of accepted papers published in the web version of the program can contain links to any supporting materials, including pictures and video files. We encourage the participants to prepare short video previews of their presentation and make them available in advance.



When you are ready, login to the site, go to "Participant profile" and then to "Submission" and upload your paper.



A signed (electronically) copyright form must accompany all submissions. Papers submitted without copyright forms will be rejected.The following two options are possible:

1) In case you choose the IEEE Xplore option, you have to sign (electronically) the IEEE Copyright Form. After uploading your paper, the system will show a summary page, in which you can find the link to the IEEE Electronic Copyright system, which will walk you through electronically signing the appropriate IEEE copyright form.

2) In case you choose the METAMORPHOSE VI option, the corresponding copyright form will be automatically generated by the submission system. After uploading your paper, the system will show a summary page, in which you can download the submitted METAMORPHOSE VI copyright form. In this case, no further actions are needed by the author.

Please note that we reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference (e.g., removal from the proceedings submitted to IEEE Xplore) if the paper is not presented at the conference.



All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. The reviewers and the TPC members are encouraged to give constructive comments and suggestions to the authors. After the TPC will make the decision, the authors will see the review comments and recommendations on their personal web pages (upon login). The authors of accepted papers will have a possibility to make updates of their papers based on the review comments and suggestions.

Supported by


Neaspec designs, manufactures and distributes advanced nanoscale optical imaging & spectroscopy microscopes, and was founded to revolutionize nanoscale analytics, with the ultimate goal to enable technological & scientific progress in every lab around the world. neaspec’s neaSNOM microscope combines the best of two worlds: the nanoscale resolution of atomic force microscopy with the analytical power of FTIR infrared imaging & spectroscopy. The neaSNOM allows studying chemical, structural, and electronic properties of a sample at a spatial resolution up to 1000-times higher compared to conventional technology like micro FT-IR. The non-destructive measurement method is equally suited for organic and inorganic samples and requires only standard AFM sample preparation.

Journal of Materials Chemistry C is a high quality journal publishing materials research with applications in optical, magnetic and electronic devices.

Materials Horizons is a leading journal for the publication of exceptionally high quality, innovative materials science, with an emphasis on original research that demonstrates a new concept or a new way of thinking.

Consisting of Nanoscale Horizons, Nanoscale, and Nanoscale Advances, the nanoscale journal family allows full coverage of interdisciplinary advances in nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Materials Advances is an international, gold open access journal, publishing good quality research across the breadth of materials science.