Conference special issues

Metastructures: From Physics to Application 

​In recent years, there has been a growing interest in realizing artificial metasurfaces and metamaterials that provide novel and on-demand physical properties. Such metastructures can be designed on a variety of physical platforms to enhance or modify the interaction with wave species, including electromagnetic, acoustic, mechanical, spin and matter waves. These developments have engaged distinct but related communities, not only by introducing new wave physics phenomena arising from intriguing properties of such artificial structures, but also by a wide range of new potential applications. This research field is at a historical juncture as it has become the necessary platform to study and emulate novel concepts introduced through other disciplines- for example, quantum field theory and topological physics. We find it a timely opportunity for the community to bring together recent scientific and technology based discoveries in this Special Issue Collection on the physics and applications of wave interaction with metastructures.

Click here for more information.

Guest Editors
Filippo Capolino; University of California, Irvine
Mercedeh Khajavikhan, University of Southern California

December 31, 2020


Starting from the 2015 edition of the Metamaterials conference, a partnership between the journal EPJ AM and the Metamaterials Congress has been established, which envisage a Special Issue of the Congress published on EPJ AM every year.

This year, the title of Special Issue is: Metamaterials´20 - Frontiers in microwave, photonic, and mechanical metamaterials

Background: Recently emergent concept of metamaterials, artificial media that are wisely structured on the subwavelength scale, has offered a new route to design materials with properties and functionalities at will. As a result, the rapid progress in microwave, photonic, mechanical metamaterials has enabled many vital applications in the realm of antenna engineering, quantum optics, material science, acoustics, energy transfer, and medicine. Nowadays, metamaterials are not only an active research area for the new multi-physics but also is a tool for new technological advancement. The international Conference Metamaterials’2020 is dedicated to bringing together researchers from over the world to share their prospects, innovations, and challenges in the multidisciplinary area of metamaterials.

Aim and Scope of the Themed Issue: The aim of this Special Issue of the Metamaterials’2020 Congress is to provide a collection of the most representative studies in the field of microwave, photonic, and mechanical metamaterials, offering the possibility to extend in a journal paper a representative collection of the best contributions submitted and presented during the Congress. Hence, we invite researchers to submit an extended version of the works presented at the conference.

As for the previous editions (free access here: 2015, 2016, 20172018), also the 2020 edition of the Special Issue will contain a selection of invited, regular and review articles submitted and accepted to Metamaterials 2020 conference. This year, the Editor in Chief of EPJ AM – Yang Hao – and the Congress General Chair – Andrea Alù – have appointed Alex Krasnok (CUNY Advanced Science Research Center) and Stefano Vellucci (ROMA TRE University) as Guest Co-Editors of the EPJ AM Special Issue.

The authors of abstracts whose topic falls in the above categories are invited to submit an extended contribution of their papers to EPJ AM.

EPJ AM is an open access platform for multidisciplinary researchers to exchange information on metamaterials with a focus on high impact engineering applications. It also aims to stimulate new fields of metamaterials research beyond traditional topics and foster innovation and transfer of knowledge with added value. The journal is indexed in Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Engineering Village-EI Compendex databases, and DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals).

Submissions are now open. When submitting your manuscript on the EPJ AM submission home page, please, under “General Information” –> “Section/Category” select the Topical Issue “Frontiers in microwave, photonic, and mechanical metamaterials”.

The Special Issue is expected to be published before the end of 2020. Please note that the journal has no mandatory publication fees and adopts a "Pay what you want model".

Click here for more information.

Guest Editors
Alex Krasnok, 
CUNY Advanced Science Research Center
Stefano Vellucci, ROMA TRE Univeristy

October 15, 2020

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